本公司長年來不斷的在服飾團體市場深耕,堅持「產品創新、誠信發展」因而受到業者的支持,憑著製造成衣市場經驗及團隊的努力,奠定極佳的生產基礎及品質口碑,以取得法國知名品牌「AbelFoxs」及「Vallatno Leo」品牌總代理,並以運動、休閒風格定位市場;經由經驗累積,深知消費者之需求,為滿足精緻中低的價位需求顧客,以「簡單純淨」的理念設計發展出「UK GLOF」低調休閒時尚品牌,讓消費大眾不管在任何的價位中,都能夠享受到最高等的品質及服務。
E-世代的社會裡,由於社會壓力與生活型態的改變下,使得現代人越來越重視休閒運動,全世界的單車熱反應的是生活態度及節能減碳的信念,自行車風潮成為一種「風格」「環保」的社會文化;因此本公司跨足自行車衣、褲,並兼顧多功能性及變化性,特別嚴選Coolmax、Cool Plus材質特性、符合人體工學設計、優雅的剪裁都是經過設計團隊嚴謹討論後的成果,以來滿足顧客的需求;從設計、製版、針車、印刷,裝箱出貨,皆由經驗豐富的技術人員完成,使產品品質得到嚴格的控管。
近年來更代理美國Elvis Presley貓王埃爾維斯‧普雷斯利,以都會休閒生活型態為導向,具流行品味之年輕都會男女為主要消費客層;以強調流行感的美式休閒風格為主力,搭配舒適的材質、鮮豔色彩的水洗T-shirt或格紋襯衫,來強化消費者對於Elvis Presley貓王埃爾維斯‧普雷斯利品牌的精神。
為提升產品競爭力、品牌知名度,積極拓展零售市場,陸續與經銷商合作,同時引進自家代理品牌「Abel Foxs」至全省量販店以及各大賣場,不斷擴展銷售地點,目前北、中、南地區皆有銷售據點。2013年成立直營店面「BIGHOME」,期許產品能更融入大眾市場,也讓消費者能夠更加了解本公司產品、提高市場接受度。
「Elvis Presley」貓王埃爾維斯‧普雷斯利更是成功進駐至百貨櫃位,提升品牌精緻度,打響知名度。多年來一直秉持著:品質第一、交貨迅速、顧客滿意的三大信念,致力於提升產品品質且不斷推陳出新,更受到國內各大經銷商及客戶的肯定。
Bighome Clothing International Co., Ltd. was established in 2002, specializing in OEM clothing manufacturing, and design and manufacturing of leisurewear and sportswear. The main products include: leisure sport suits, golf clothes, cotton shirts, sweat-absorbing shirts, company and school uniforms, etc. From sales contact, style design, size measurement, production, delivery, to after-sales service, we personally manufacture all products, following a strict standard procedure, and offer specialists on each order to provide complete and stress-free services to our customers.
For many years, our company has engaged with the clothing market and always upheld “product innovation and integrity development”. With many years of team effort and manufacturing experience in the clothing market, we have laid an excellent production foundation and quality reputation. As a result, we have earned the business of the domestic department stores and wholesale brand channels; moreover, the world famous brand Pierre Balmain, neutral leisurewear brand Abel Fox Sports, and American fashion leisurewear Elvis Presley are also our major customers.
Furthermore, in order to enhance the competition of our products, we established the production department, in 2006, specifically for manufacturing bike clothes for which we invested in new machines and started to use Coolmax and Cool Plus materials for taking versatility and variability into account. In order to meet customers’ needs, our design team has come out with an ergonomic design and elegant tailoring through active discussions. From design, patternmaking, sewing, printing, packaging, to shipping, our experienced technicians carefully complete each step in order to control the quality of our products.
Bighome Clothing International Co., Ltd. has always adhered to “quality first, fast delivery, and customer satisfaction”. We have committed ourselves to enhancing production quality and growing sophistication in technology, and have won each customer’s satisfaction and recognition. After years of transformation of competing in the clothing manufacturing industry, we become strong and healthy, and now aim to lead the industry for providing customers with excellent services.